In this article, we will discuss about the genetic resources on the surface of earth. These resources are the genetic materials that obtained from plants, animals and other organisms, which is of potential values. These are using as the resources for the present and future generation for the purpose of research and development of life. We will discuss here about the different types of these resources and the methods of their conservation.Continue Reading

In this article, we will discuss about the importance of biodiversity (variety of species in a geographical area). We will discuss, how different species are distributed in different geographical regions and ecosystems. Several biotic and abiotic factors effect the biodiversity, such as light, temperature, climate, producers, consumers, decomposers, etc..Continue Reading

In the article there will be main discussion about the causes and effects of land degradation. Several factors such as deforestation for different purposes such as wood. fuel, urbanization, etc. causes the land degradation, which ultimately effect the land through destroying nutrients, minerals and other compounds present in the soil.Continue Reading